Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sunlit Sunday (#4): Ready for Card-Making

Recently, I thought I'd get some supplies to try a new hobby. Although I haven't made cards before, it seems like it might be a fun project!

Here are my findings (love those January sales): bright solids and a tablet of prints!

Take a look at the name on the package of printed paper: "One Sunny Day".
Really, isn't it just screaming for attention on Sunlit Sunday?
 Just as well, given the shortage of true sunlight!

Just looking at these supplies brings a smile and puts a little sunshine in my heart.

As if the paper isn't cheery enough, ohhh the ribbons! 
If you have any tips for a rookie card maker, please do share.

And now, it's your turn!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fragrance (and Fiddling with FotoFlexer)

I walked into my house late this afternoon to the scent of hyacinths. I rarely buy flowers, but enjoy picking up potted bulbs at this time of the year.

I get the joy of the flowers and fragrance now,

and I can plant the bulbs, come fall, for more blooms in upcoming springs.
That is, if I remember to plant them!

Like so many others, I've been using Picnik for many of my blog photos. This evening, I experimented with Fotoflexer, another free photo editing tool. The results are in this post.

Take a sniff. Maybe you'll be able to smell the hyacinths. 

Please remember, you're invited to join in Sunlit Sunday this coming weekend!

Comments or questions? I'd love to hear from you.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I Do Love a Bargain!

One small car, one woman (moi), one 86 pound box.

One gets very good at angles and leverage when there isn't someone to help.
Where are Paul Bunyan and Mike Holmes when you need them?

I bought a much needed storage cabinet recently, or rather the bits and pieces that would become a cabinet. Hence, the 86 pound box.

The living room served as my workshop, poor thing. There were a few glitches along the way, but there it is! My half-price pine cabinet, standing and earning its keep. (Actually, it was less than half price; I had purchased my Christmas tree at the same store and received a coupon for use in January.)

Of course, having this new storage piece meant rearranging many other cupboards and drawers. You know how these things go! Things do look worse before they look better.

While some people have a fireplace mantel, I have a candle and a cabinet top!
I'll try to decorate it nicely.

 Or maybe I'll just read for awhile...

A Reminder: If you haven't dropped by "Sunlit Sunday", there are 11 wonderful contributions this week. I hope you'll consider visiting some of these beautiful posts. Thank you.

Reading your comments (and perhaps cabinet top decorating ideas) is a real pleasure, so don't be shy! Thank you so much for visiting.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Now and Then

It's difficult for me to imagine living in a place that enjoys year-round blooms.
My garden is resting, wrapped up in a white duvet of snow.
Meet my lilac tree, now and then.

The young magnolia, now and then.

 The blue arbour with roses, clematis and nearby hydrangeas, now and then.

The blooms will return, perhaps appreciated even more given their long absence. 
For now, I'll enjoy the snow. Mustn't wish my life away!

I'm happy to be linking with Mary at Little Red House for Mosaic Monday.

 An Invitation: Please pop by my new meme, Sunlit Sunday, and visit those who have contributed this week. Brighten up your day!
You are welcome to add your own link until Wednesday, January 25th.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

☀ Sunlit Sunday (#3): Prism


beauty just materializes...


when sunlight travels through a glass of water sitting on the windowsill 
and finds a place to rest.

Simple beauty.


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