Saturday, January 31, 2015

☀Sunlit Sunday: Week 5

 It's been a little nutty around here.

Too many hours at my laptop for a volunteering gig are leading to a too sedentary existence and a lack of time to spend browsing through blogs. Please forgive me for being slow in getting around to visit you. You know the story of the tortoise and the hare? I'm the hare.

We'll see what the new week brings for this bright spot, Cameo. A few people who indicated an interest in adopting her didn't follow through with applications. So be it. I want someone who truly wants this sweetheart. In sunny news, 6 other animals with the rescue found homes in January!

Your turn. With any luck, linking should work for all of you this week. Please be sure to link to your specific post, as per the instructions below, otherwise it can't be accepted by InLinkz. Have fun visiting each other and enjoy your fresh, new week! 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

☀Sunlit Sunday: Week 4

As I sit here writing this, I think it's time for a soothing cup of lemon & ginger tea. I just left my foster cat, Cameo, at a pet store for an afternoon showing; she's in the care of two volunteers.

A last minute change in the scheduling has my girl in a roomy crate with a neighbour beside her, a big, beautiful Golden mix, who is housed in an enormous crate. The person who fosters the dog promised that her husband would pick up the handsome boy if either animal felt stressed in the presence of the other. Someone I don't think Béliveau is likely to cower in fear in the presence of Cameo. I guess I'll find out how Cameo felt about some canine company when I pick her up and see whether the dog is still there! If he is, the good news will be that Cameo will tolerate a dog at close proximity, even after a short acquaintance.

I'm not entirely convinced that Cameo will be as relaxed as she is in my (her) living room! A couch that needs some straightening makes a comfortable spot for a snooze in the sunshine.

There's  a lot to be said for comfort. It's certainly a perk for Cameo that she is staying in a foster home rather than a crate in a shelter. The same goes for Béliveau. (Yes, hockey fans, the dog is named after the recently departed hockey great, Jean Béliveau of the Montreal Canadiens.)

Last evening, I heard that someone lovely has applied for Cameo. That doesn't mean an adoption will happen, but it's a step in the right direction!

I hope you find many sunny spots in the upcoming week.

Note: Some people had some trouble linking. That problem should be fixed now.

Your turn!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

☀Sunlit Sunday: Week 3

With the number of bright sunny days and even a trek into the heart of Toronto (for a wonderful visit to the Art Gallery of Ontario), why do I have indoor photos for ☀Sunlit Sunday this week!

Mind you, the shamrock was lit prettily and, with a bit of luck, will produce some tiny white blooms soon.

There have been a couple of casual inquiries about my foster cat, but no applications yet. The right person will come along; meanwhile, Cameo is a lovely "person" and certainly adds some beauty to my living room.

Cross your fingers for this fabulous 9 year old sun-worshiper, please. Not everyone is open to adopting a mature cat, but those very special people do exist.

Must dash for now but I'll be sure to visit everyone. I hope you're enjoying discovering some new blogs as you pop from post to post.

It's your turn to share. All are welcome, both those who have joined in before and those for whom this is their maiden voyage. Have fun!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

☀Sunlit Sunday: Week 2

It's round two for this fourth season of Sunlit Sunday. It was wonderful to see many returning participants last week as well as welcome some new people. It's been quite some time since I've blogged regularly; meeting you here will ensure I come by and get back into this lovely habit.

The sun was making the lake twinkle and I enjoyed seeing how the rocks show off their colours with greater intensity when wet. This year, I need to get outside more and soak up the winter weather. I was listening to someone being interviewed on TV. He was talking about cycling in Toronto during this season and mentioned that there was a saying in Copenhagen, "There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing." With that in mind, some warm long underwear is in order. I wonder who makes it in tall sizes. Snow pants are a bit much for some days, a pair of jeans or cords just not enough for a long walk and I love getting into the fresh, crisp air! It helps keep the cobwebs at bay and is good for the body and soul.

Cameo, my foster, comes with a built-in warm coat and spends her time indoors. My first foster, (Claire) was with me about 5 months, the second (Hope) for under 2. We'll have to see about this pretty and friendly 9 year old. She's off to a local pet store tomorrow to be showcased for a few hours. I must say, the group I volunteer with is pretty picky about who adopts the cats and dogs in their care.

Fortunately, Cameo hasn't been tempted to nibble on the Christmas cactus. I'd be very pleased to see a profusion of blooms one day, but it has yet to produce more than a few in any given year. I should read more about how to care for it. I think I said that last year. And the year before. Any tips?

Thank you for your visit. All are welcome to join in this week; your posts are a treat to read!

Here we go!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

☀Sunlit Sunday Link-Up: Season 4, Week 1

Welcome to the first week of ☀Sunlit Sunday, Season 4. The idea for this gathering came from wanting to have a spot where people could share the "sunny" side of winter. Every season has its own beauty and this one is no exception.

If you're a blogger, you're welcome to join in and link a post each weekend from now through March. The guidelines are explained in detail below. In short, we don't gripe about the season here, we celebrate it. Of course, if it isn't winter in your hemisphere, you are still welcome to participate and share your own season. If you don't have a blog of your own, I hope you'll still come by and enjoy the posts linked each week.

Should the skies be grey, there's no need to worry. Your post could feature something that shows the sunny side of life and brings a smile to your face. That covers a host of possibilities!

Keep your eyes peeled and let's have some fun with this.

Cameo, my current foster cat, has a knack for seeking out life's bright spots. Let's see if the rest of can as well.

Whether you've joined in before or this is your first time, I'm glad you're here at ☀Sunlit Sunday.

Let's get things rolling!


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