Welcome to the final month of ☀Sunlit Sunday.
Some experiences are "sunny" ones, like a trip to the Art Gallery of Ontario. My friend was under the weather, so it was a solo excursion. After taking the GO Train into Toronto, I opted to walk the 20 or so minutes from Union Station to the AGO, thankful for the sunshine and my warm parka on a frigid morning.
I saw
"The Great Upheaval: Masterpieces from the Guggenheim Collection, 1910-1918 ". Works by many artists were featured: Brancusi, Chagall, Duchamp, Kandinsky,
Leger, Marc, Matisse,
Miró, Modigliani, Mondrian and Picasso, to name some of them. Photos of the exhibition were not permitted.
Photographs are allowed, however, in the rest of the gallery. These are some of the paintings in the Georgia Ridley Salon.
``Oriental Poppies" by Laura Muntz Lyall (c. 1915) |
It will be months until my poppies bloom, but with some warmth and sunlight I hope they are as lovely as these. While looking at this painting, I got lost in the quiet moment that was captured by the artist.
"The Little Worker" by Helen McNicoll (c. 1907) |
The young girl, in a sunny field, also caught my eye. I don't have the vocabulary to describe it, but the use of colour and brush strokes drew me into the scene of waving grasses and flowers.
Untitled (Cows on a Hillside) by Kathleen Munn (c. 1916) |
This vibrant, pastoral scene (painted almost 100 years ago) almost jumped off the wall.
I enjoy visiting galleries and seeing what appeals to me, makes me think, brightens my day. The names of these three Canadian artists were new to me. Oh, for a background in art history! I'll share one or two more paintings later this week.
Your turn: