It may not be direct sunlight, but some came creeping through archways to light up my bookcase. A hallway may seem an odd place for books, but in a small house, it makes sense to take advantage of this niche.

Another bright spot in the week was discovering that my Christmas cactus has buds. Lots of buds. Given it has produced only a couple of blooms annually, I'm pleased. It must like its current location and, perhaps, the fact that it is getting watered more often.
This one has decided she likes to keep on top of the news. Cameo is off on another pet store visit for a few hours today. Perhaps she'll catch someone's eye. She has 9 years of cat experience, after all! If you happen to have any ideas of how I can promote her on the rescue group's Facebook page, do pass them along, please. Photo ideas, slogans or captions to use with pictures of Cameo, feel free to share!
It's your turn now.
Please remember to visit as many of the other links as you can over the course of the week. If you're too busy for that, kindly make a point of returning the visits of those who visit you. Thank you and have a lovely week.