I was surprised and delighted with the turn-out at last week's ☀Sunlit
Sunday. It seems many of us are ready to seek out something sunny at the beginning of this year.
Sunlight was at a premium in my area, but I did take a few photos while it swung by for a quick visit. Eggs, the start of something new, seemed like an appropriate subject.
Looking at these photos reminded me of a poem I first read decades ago. I pulled the book off the shelf to find it and share it with you.
Reader, in your hand you hold
A silver case, a box of gold
I have no door, however small,
Unless you pierce my tender wall,
And there's no skill in healing then
Shall ever make me whole again.
Show pity, Reader, for my plight:
Let be, or else consume me quite.
-Jay Macpherson
(b. 1940, England; d. 2012, Canada)