I'm taking a break for a few minutes.
been dealing with my miniscule linen cupboard: pitching things,
reorganzing, discovering
so-that's-where-the-stopper-is-for-the-hot-water-bottle, wondering why
so many containers of cleaners have so little product left in them, and
how I've accumulated all of those shampoos and conditioners.
Moving on to the bedroom dresser, do I really ever intend to wear
that again and when did the dust bunnies move underneath the furniture and
I've started in on a whole-house clean, scour, pitch, give away, recycle extravaganza.
So long, Procrastination!

I find my new(er) house, this little home needs to be ready to be put
on the market, all pretty and sparkly clean. Note I said "when" not
"if". My house hunt didn't didn't yield any results last year, so my
eyes are peeled once again.
As I said, though, I'm taking a quick break. I may not be
able to smell the roses (there is snow outside), but I can take a sniff
of the grocery store tulips that I picked up Saturday evening. It's
funny how one pretty spot can motivate a person to create some more.
What's new with you?
I'll be sure to return your visit, somewhere between finding out what's lurking beneath the beds and figuring out how to repair a bookcase. Bye for now!