It's round two for this fourth season of
☀Sunlit Sunday. It was wonderful to see many returning participants last week as well as welcome some new people. It's been quite some time since I've blogged regularly; meeting you here will ensure I come by and get back into this lovely habit.
The sun was making the lake twinkle and I enjoyed seeing how the rocks show off their colours with greater intensity when wet. This year, I need to get outside more and soak up the winter weather. I was listening to someone being interviewed on TV. He was talking about cycling in Toronto during this season and mentioned that there was a saying in Copenhagen, "There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing." With that in mind, some warm long underwear is in order. I wonder who makes it in tall sizes. Snow pants are a bit much for some days, a pair of jeans or cords just not enough for a long walk and I love getting into the fresh, crisp air! It helps keep the cobwebs at bay and is good for the body and soul.

Cameo, my foster, comes with a built-in warm coat and spends her time indoors. My first foster, (Claire) was with me about 5 months, the second (Hope) for under 2. We'll have to see about this pretty and friendly 9 year old. She's off to a local pet store tomorrow to be showcased for a few hours. I must say, the group I volunteer with is pretty picky about who adopts the cats and dogs in their care.
Fortunately, Cameo hasn't been tempted to nibble on the Christmas cactus. I'd be very pleased to see a profusion of blooms one day, but it has yet to produce more than a few in any given year. I should read more about how to care for it. I think I said that last year. And the year before. Any tips?
Thank you for your visit. All are welcome to join in this week; your posts are a treat to read!
Here we go!