Soup's On

☀ Sunlit Sunday

Let's find some sunshine during the winter months!

Each week, from January until early April, I host a meme entitled "Sunlit Sunday".
I hope you'll join in the fun!
Links may be added to my post each Saturday evening at 8 pm (EST).

 Here's what you need to know:
You are invited to participate in this week's "Sunlit Sunday". Let's brighten up the beginning of a new week!
 Here's how:
  1. Create a post on the following theme: "sunlit". You may choose to include photos and/or words that illustrate a sunlit place or thing, a "sunny disposition", a sunny thought, or any other sunlit-related idea. Have fun with this! Be literal or figurative; be you!
  2. All photos must be your own or used with the express permission of the photographer.
  3. Copy my URL for this week's "Sunlit Sunday" and create a link on your post that will lead back here.
  4. Copy the URL for your specific post and add it to the amazing linking tool, below.
  5. Testing the links would be a great idea!
  6. The more links you visit and comment on, the more fun you'll have. Let's spread a little sunshine!

Everyone is invited to participate!


  1. When are we starting back up again. need some sunshine

  2. Will you be hosting this lovely idea again in 2018, it really does light up so many of our weeks in the darkest months. Hope you are well, sending hugs and warmth xx
