Soup's On

Sunday, April 24, 2016

A Quiet Sunday

I thought I'd say a quick hello to you. It's a quiet day. Mya the foster cat is snoozing, laundry is swishing and the fridge is partway through a good cleaning. I'll watch Vera, sip a cup of coffee and iron away. Not exciting, I know, but there's a certain peace that comes when things around me are brought back to some kind of order.

I started to play in the garden this past week. Colours are appearing and I've been raking some leaves and pulling a few weeds. Do you have a gardening routine that you follow? Things get out of hand here, as spring turns to summer, and each year I promise myself things will be better!

Planting bulbs in previous autumns: that is an act of delayed gratification that offers a big payoff! Some flowers now and tulips to follow.

A few pansies found their way into pots. I thought this was such a pretty blue.
Also, fragrant hyacinths are blooming and magnolia buds are just about ready to flower. Spring. I love it.

I hope your new week is a good one.


  1. Not doing much outside yet. Clematis are about to bloom and coreopsis too. No containers done yet just waiting for the weather to stay longer. It gets cold at night here, still. Have tomato plants to put out so hoping we can do that soon. I love spring too. Have a good week.

  2. Your garden must be a picture Karen!
    Funny as it sounds, here on the other side of the world I'm planting my bulbs!
    I'm putting Scented Double Freesias in the centre of the pot surrounded bY blue Grape Hyacinths!
    I'm still searching for Snowdrops, I may have missed out as the garden centres seem to run out so quickly.

    I've been wondering if Mya was still with you.
    Do you take her outside or is she an indoor cat!
    I have many neighbourhood cats visiting my garden and they seem to enjoy sleeping amount the flowers in the long garden bed!
    Lovely to see your post pop up today!

  3. All looks to be doing well in your gardens . I have lots of spring flowers up and blooming and am in the process of planting some Peonies and other perennials in the next week or two they are all in pots waiting to be transplanted . I to love spring . I have been out every day this past week weeding and preparing my gardens for the season . Lovely photos . I like the show Vera I watch a lot of British TV shows as well . Glad all is good there . Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !

  4. Beautiful flower images! In south Florida it is difficult to grow annuals during the hot winter, and we never get freezing weather to set up the bulbs. Most of the flowers are perennial shrubs and trees.

  5. Your flower photos are beautiful Karen. I have a few daffodils blooming but that's it. Spring is rather slow here and it's very cold this week but the sun will be shining. I hope you have a lovely week. Pam

  6. Hello Karen, spring looks wonderful in your garden. Such happy flowers and I love especially the pansy close-up. Just look at that gorgeous blue colour!
    Here spring hasn't sprung yet. The soil is still frozen and it's snowing now. :)
    Have a lovely new week! Hugs!

  7. Hi Karen and thank you for sharing all this Beauty !

    Hope your week is off to a great start, I wish you most wonderful days to come,
    with thankfulness


  8. Spring happy photos with those wonderful flowers at their best!
    Happy new week Karen!

  9. Your flowers are beautiful and I loved the relaxing tone for a Sunday posting. I often feel overwhelmed when spring arrives with so much to be done. This year I tried a new approach to my garden and for the first time in years I feel good about my space. I even made a list so that next year I can get a jump on the beautiful weather and have more time for enjoyment.
    Maybe it will help you and your readers?

  10. Beautiful collage - love all the colours!
    Enjoy your evening!

  11. Lovely flowers and sounds like a perfectly peaceful day.

  12. Your garden is producing some beautiful blossoms. The blue color of the pansies is one of my very favorite shades. We like watching Vera, too. Such a spunky detective!

  13. Isn't it so good to see the beautiful flowers doing their springy things. Hope you enjoyed Vera, it is good isn't it!

  14. Lovely post...your flowers are so beautiful Karen, and your photos are too. I enjoy watching Vera as well. Enjoy your peaceful times and the lovely spring days.
    Helen xox

  15. I'm back again!
    Karen thank you for visiting me and the update on Mya.
    We enjoy "Vera" over here too! There is very little worth watching at the moment though.
    My husband and I are watching more on the History, Nat Geo and Discovery channels.
    A "pop-up channel" starts later this week of David Attenborough which we always enjoy.
    I miss "Downton" and the great acting and gentile way of life!

  16. you have such a pretty blog.......hope you come back soon!!

  17. Well, I imagine that all your spring sweeties bloomed into stunning beauties, Karen. That blue, kind of a periwinkle blue, in that pretty pansy, with that sunny yellow that complements it perfectly, I think, is very 'you'! Am I right?

    Hope you had a wonderful summer and experiencing a cozy fall!

