Soup's On

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas, a Bit of Knitting and Cameo

I've missed being here, on my blog and reading yours. I've picked up a little bit more volunteering, working on a Facebook page for an animal rescue group, and have found myself on the computer for longer periods of time than I anticipated. All self-induced hours, by the way, as I sort out what I want my contribution to be in the interest of getting some cats and dogs adopted.

It's all a matter of knitting together the different parts of life and attempting to turn the fragments into something useful and lovely. Or fun, so here I am again and thank you for stopping by today!

Speaking of knitting, these teeny tiny mittens were a gift for a friend's tree, although I think her plans were to hang them on her mantle with some tiny stockings I made last year.

The mitts are only  a couple of inches long. Should you be interested in making some, I found the pattern here:

I used bits of baby sport yarn that I had on hand.

I think I'll make some more next year. They're quick, easy and fun.

Also fun was adding a hat to this girl. It's just a photo-editing trick. I can't imagine this beauty would be agreeable to mussing her fur with a real one! Her name is Cameo and she is my new foster cat, having moved in earlier this month. For those who followed the story of black and white Hope, I get updates and she is doing beautifully in her new home. Here's hoping Cameo finds an equally wonderful person to adopt her.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, well wishes to all!

For those interested, we'll give Sunlit Sunday a go come January.



  1. I love the little mittens, Karen! Just adorable! Cameo is a beauty. We have a tortie here too. Thanks for all you do to help animals get new homes. Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas! I love the tiny mitts and your comment about all parts of life coming together. Difficult to find time for everything but thanks for sharing your sweet post with us!

  3. Love those little mittens and thanks for the link to the pattern. Cameo is a pretty kitty. She will love her time with you as she looks for her furever home. Oh, boy ... Sunlit Sunday! :)

  4. Merry Christmas, Karen. Those are such sweet little mittens. And how fun to photoshop a hat onto Cameo!

  5. Merry Christmas to you, Karen! I've been away from blogland too. It seems life is so busy. Hope to catch up in 2015.

  6. Those tiny mittens are so sweet! And a new cat to adopt. I hope she finds a new home. I'm looking forward to Sunlit Sunday again Karen. Merry Christmas!

  7. Hello Karen
    The little mittens are adorable, perhaps you'll take orders for some next year? Good to hear that Hope is happy in her new home and I'm sure Cameo will find hers soon.
    You're kind to volunteer for the animal rescue group and I'm sure you enjoy helping them out. Tonight I'm serving turkey dinner with others from our church for those less fortunate. Afterwards is our candlelight service.
    Not sure if I'll be able to participate in Sunlit Sunday with my own meme starting the same day but I can always visit the posts.
    Wishes for a Merry Christmas!

  8. Merry Christmas Karen! So glad to see your post today...those mittens are so cute - I am a beginner knitter and would love to try them! Cameo looks so much like your first foster cat. I'm glad that you continue to help the kitties! I hope your holiday season is filled with lots of LOVE and family!! I'm looking forward to Sunlit Sundays!!

    Cheryl @ The Creative Me and My McG

  9. Merry Christmas to you and your family ! Lovely photos ! It is green here 12C raining windy with a bit of thunder ! Weird weather for us !

  10. Merry Christmas! I love your wee mitts, they are so cute!! Cameo looks quite spiffy in her hat! She's a lucky kitty to have you as her foster mom! Rest to see your blog again. Happy holidays to you all

  11. How lovely little mitts! And Cameo reminds me about Claire.
    Have a blessed Christmas Time :-)

    I've in big worries: my cat was yesterday heavy injured.
    Christmas is canceled with me...

  12. superbe les petites mitaines
    et un chat très élègant , qui ne fera pas peur au père Noël
    passe un joyeux NOËL
    edith (irs) France

  13. What a beautiful gift of the mittens...wishing you a most special, beautiful, joyful and peaceful Christmas!

  14. Karen, the mittens are so cute! I have had some mittens on the go too - but cross stitch. I've missed Blogdom and blogging - thank you for dropping by my blog. Life has been challenging for the last little while but I hope to return. Merry Christmas!

  15. The little mittens are darling! Merry Christmas to you and Cameo!


  16. Merry Christmas, Karen!

    Your mini mittens are adorable, and I'm sure they look just as charming as a garland as they do adorning your tree! Cameo is TOO cute in that signature Santa cap, and I must say that Christmas red really brings out the holly green of her pretty eyes!

    Happy 2015!


  17. Love your tiny mittens Karen and Cameo is beautiful....fingers crossed that she finds the home she so deserves soon....Hope you're having a lovely Christmas and a little rest too! Best wishes for a happy and creative 2015...x
