Soup's On

Saturday, March 29, 2014

☀Sunlit Sunday: Our Final Week

Having been asked where my foster puss was last week, Claire is back for our final Sunlit Sunday gathering for the year.

I hope that, like Claire, you've enjoyed keeping your eyes open for some sunbeams over the past few months.

Thank you for catching some of them and sharing the light here.

With our pooled effort, we've all been able to soak up a few more rays than the climate, at least in my part of the world, would generally provide during the winter months.

Here's hoping you've made a few new friends and plan to keep visiting them. Please remember to "follow" their blogs if you haven't yet done so.

Have you any comments/observations regarding this meme?

Wishing you all well,

Bring on those sunlit posts!


  1. Beautiful sunlight...

    Beautiful Claire... Look at those eyes! :-)

  2. Claire, Oh, Claire ... what a beauty you are! Karen, thank you for hosting. I'm going to miss Sun Lit Sunday.

  3. Such sweet captures of Claire! Thank you Karen, for hosting this meme for the past 3 months. It's been great and I'm going to miss it! Happy Sunlit Sunday to you! I hope you have a blessed week ahead. Pam

  4. Those are such wonderful pictures of Claire. Her green eyes are amazing! I enjoy Sunlit Sunday. It offers something to look forward to during the tedious months of winter. Thank you for hosting.

  5. hi, i read Pamela Gordon's blog - i was coming here to see why the link up is not continuing but i don't see what happened? sorry to see it go ... i just noticed it with my bloggy friends who have been linking up most recently ... i have really enjoyed the shots ... hope you are having a good weekend. take care. ( :

  6. I'm happy to join in this last week, Karen! My grandchildren bring sunshine to my life, as well as the beautiful place I live! Your cat Claire is a pretty one! She looks very content!

  7. Hi Karen, I will miss Sunlit Sunday terribly. It has been fun to read about the sunshine that other bloggers shared. What I think has been most uplifting is to try to find the "sunshine" myself. There is "sunshine" everywhere around us. Sometimes we just have to look a little harder. Thanks Karen.

  8. Karen, Sunlit Sunday has been a great discovery for me. You have a very friendly and welcoming community of bloggers here and I only with I had happened across you sooner. Thanks for hosting.

  9. Hello Karen, Once again, I've so enjoyed participating in Sunlit Sundays. I like this idea of a seasonal linkup party. Not too long, not too short - perfect for finding some new bloggers to follow. Certainly, it's brightened up the grey winter for me. Thank you so much for hosting. I hope you do so next year, too.

  10. Well, I got here for the last sunlit posting. I've enjoyed reading these posts for a while now and decided to do one. I love kitty's beautiful lime green eyes. She's such a pretty cat.

  11. Time to say Goodbye to Sunlit Sunday and to the wonderful Claire... :-(
    I will often look at your blog and I hope she is still there (if I can not get Claire to me). This lovely meme has become my love in a short time and I'll go in the summer through the light and remember yet.
    Have a great spring and summertime all :-)

  12. What wonderful pictures of Claire, love the one of her "catching the sun rays"... It is with a sad heart that I say goodbye to Sunlit Sundays... I have enjoyed bringing a little bit of my sunshine into everyone's lives... although I know I will be back to see what you have here until next years Sunlit Sunday starts again. Thank you so very much for hosting, I know I have enjoyed it and checking out other's posts each week.

  13. Oh Karen
    I think Claire has been the star of 'Sunlit Sunday' in recent weeks!
    I've enjoyed a second season of your party and I'm looking forward to coming back next January!

    Thank you for hosting Karen.
    Wishing you an enjoyable Spring and Summer - I'll keep in touch and look forward to catching up with Claire too!


  14. Karen...tho I am still considering myself a novice to Sunlit Sunday, I've been reading the comments above me and realize that it will return again after the Summer Season? Winter Sunlit Sunday in I correct? Thank you for taking time to allow us to share our sunshine and brightening the weekends with others.

    Claire is so beautiful!! She's PURRfect. in every way.

  15. Hi,Karen.
    I am glad to join Sunlit Sunday again. This is the last Sunlit Sunday for this year. Thank you very much for your hosting.
    Claire has very beautiful eyes! I know she is special for you.

  16. Hello Karen
    It has been a blast, I'm so glad to have joined in, not happy that it is over, but I'll get over that. It looks like Claire had a wonderful time enjoying chasing her Purrrfect shadows. Again thank you for hosting,

  17. Thanks Karen for hosting this fun link up over the winter. I have really enjoyed participating and also visiting all the other sites. Claire looks so content at your home and it has been lovely getting to know her.
    The snow we woke up to was a bit of a shock this morning and I'm hoping it melts away quickly and spring arrives soon.

  18. Last one, I have enjpyed them but what am I goin to do now for Sunday. Have a nice mothers day and thanks for the linky

  19. I have enjoyed this Sunlit Sunday hop . Thanks you for hosting it and for bringing all of us together . Claire looks so comfy and happy there and I have enjoyed getting to know here and your wonderful photos ! We woke to a blanket of snow that didn't impress me at all , but with more sunlit and warm temps it will be gone before days end ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good week !

  20. Claire is so beautiful, Karen! Those eyes are incredible! I know you're fostering her - are you thinking of keeping her?


  21. Claire is just a darling kitty. I do hope she stays as a permanent resident with you. She's really enjoying those sunrays.
    What a pleasure it's been to join in on this Meme even though I missed several Sunday's due to not knowing about it for some time. I hope to be back when you start back up again.

  22. Karen... Sunlit Sunday has been such a delight! Thank you so much for hosting. I look forward to following you and seeing what you, and perhaps even Claire, are up to throughout Spring, Summer, and Fall! Good wishes and many blessings to you and yours...Susan

  23. Hi Karen! Thanks for bringing some sun shine to everyone each Sunday :) Great photos of Claire-she's sweet.

  24. Karen- thanks so much for hosting this great link- up! I've been so impressed by the community of bloggers here. I've linked up to several blog hops where no one comments at all- and you always feel a bit like ??? is anyone out there???- not so with your Sunlit Sunday, Nice work!

  25. Karen, can't thank you enough. So enjoyed Sunlit Sunday. I'll be back to visit!

  26. Thanks for hosting Sunlit Sunday, Karen. I didn't participate a lot but had fun when I did. Blessings!

  27. It has been lovely seeing your sunlit posts and getting to know a few more bloggers too! Thank you for arranging and hosting this, it has been fun. Lovely to see Claire too of course!! xx

  28. Awww...she's so adorable! Love your photography!

  29. Thanks for hosting. My, that cat has bright green eyes!

  30. SHucks, I just discovered this meme! Well, I'll have to follow you to try to catch on to it when it pops up again!
    Great idea!

  31. Karen - I am back today from ten days in the Florida sunshine...I loved the feeling of it warming me up from this cold was hard coming back today knowing that I was leaving the sun and the warm temperatures behind...I can't wait to check out the submission and try and get some of the sun back...

    Cheryl @ The Creative Me and My McG

  32. I never made it to the last week to play, sorry Karen. I've been busy but I'll have a visit with some of the contributors.
    Warming up this week! 🌷☀️

  33. Karen you did a great job with it...thank you !...:)JP

  34. It looks like I got my post in just in time for the last party.

    Now I have to check out everyone else.

  35. That kitty has the greenest eyes, Karen! Today was filled with sunlight here.....I suppose the fact that we have lots of rainy grey days over here makes us truly appreciate the sun when it shines. Your sunlit posts are a lovely idea to cheer the grey winter days. Wishing you a happy (sunny) week!
    Helen xox

  36. I've enjoyed Sunlit Sundays this year Karen! thanks for hosting. Look forward to next year.

  37. I love that shot of her chasing the beams on the wall! :)

  38. Hi Karen,

    Due to packing and prepping for my trip to Toronto, and having departed on March 13th, I was not able to join the last few parties, and have just recently been able to start catching up on some favourite blogs and parties. Although I'm late to this one, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed participating in Sunlit Sunday all winter, making new friends and sharing some rays! Thanks so much for hosting and wishing you a lovely, warm and sunny spring!

    Claire, I see, is looking great, and is enjoying her surroundings, shadows and views!

