Soup's On

Monday, October 31, 2011

Florence (Firenze) Italy: I may never leave...

Just a quick "ciao" to say I am in love with Florence. No time to post or comment on yours. I'm sure you understand! This is a view from across the river, up a hill.
I'm a 5 minute walk from the huge church you see, in a cheap and cheerful hotel in the heart of old Firenze (Florence).


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Woodland Walk

In my last entry, Quietude, I posted some photos of my woodland walk.
Here are a few more.

I enjoyed the gentle pace of my stroll through the forest.
 Later this week, the pace will definitely quicken, as I will be flying to Rome. 

For now, it's a shorter trek to Mary's Little Red House for "Mosaic Monday". Please take a look at her lovely blog.

Ciao per ora,
(Thank goodness for Google Translate.)

Saturday, October 22, 2011



The soft shuffling of the damp leaves underfoot...

The whispered words of the creek to the trees...


Monday, October 17, 2011

Teatime Tidbits

I don't have a very sweet tooth. At least, not as a rule.
Nonetheless, the urge to bake came over me this past weekend.

Growing up, these were called Cinnamon Twirls in our house.

A simple tea biscuit recipe, pressed flat, smeared with butter (or margarine) and brown sugar, sprinkled with cinnamon, then rolled, sliced and baked.

You could slice them in half, but my technique has always been to "untwirl" them.
Why change now?

You may be wondering why these tickseed flowers made an appearance.
I thought it was time for a diversion, to "cut the sweet". 

You'd think I'd have enough to nibble on, but the Baking Muse was still calling.

With banana-bread-loving company coming on Monday, I had to bake again. Really!

My house had that warm, homey fragrance on Sunday afternoon.

There is something satisfying about mixing a little of this and a smidgen of that and having something yummy happen.

Remind me to take some long walks this week to counterbalance a double dose of sweetness.

With this afternoon's cuppa, there are choices for teatime tidbits.

I'm linking with the following beautiful blogs:
"Tea Time Tuesday" at Rose Chintz Cottage
"Tea Party Tuesday" at Sweetology

Thank you for coming by My Little Home and Garden. Your comments are welcome and appreciated!

Warm Wishes,

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday Afternoon

Sunday afternoon in the garden.

 Despite the cold, I find
Black-Eyed Susan vines and zuchinni
Spirea blooms
Morning glories
Roses, rose hips and rosemary

If they looked over the back fence they could see it's autumn,
courtesy of my neighbour's huge, glorious tree.
Are the plants confused? 
Don't they know when it's time to ease into a new season?

Or is it me that hasn't quite figured out my new season of life...

I'll mull things over with warm banana bread and hot tea...

This week, I'm linking with Mary at Little Red House for "Mosaic Monday". Drop over to see more collages/mosaics. Here, take some banana bread for both of you!

Many thanks for your visits. They let me know I'm not talking to myself!

Warm Wishes,

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Nature's Colours: Subtle and Overt

This morning, I met with a small group of people for a nature walk.

As you can tell, a marsh figured prominently.

The day was cloudy, the ground was wet, but the habitat provided everything needed for the wildlife.

We came to the lakeshore, after a boardwalk and a pathway.

Strolling under the arch, we carried on beside the water a little further.

Then it was time to leave the shore and enter the woods, leading us to this vibrant blast of brilliant colour.

High bush cranberries.

Now, there's a way to brighten up a rather grey day!

Thank you for joining me on this walk.

Warm Wishes,

Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving from Canada!

In Canada, it's the Thanksgiving long weekend, which happily coincides with so much of our harvest time. An uncharacteristically warm, autumn day was lovely for picking apples at a local orchard.

I don't have my parents any longer, my dad having passed away six years ago and my mom this past spring, but I was happy to be able to spend time with friends and family this weekend. Apple torte was my contribution to the turkey dinner with my brother, sister-in-law and ten others.

Another dinner, this one with friends, provided a good excuse to bake lemon meringue pies.

After two days of large dinners and plenty of desserts, all I crave this afternoon is a cup of mint tea, possibly with an apple, but possibly not even that!

Happy Thanksgiving to you, even if it is not being celebrated in your country!

I love your visits and am thankful for your comments
This week, I'm linking with the following beautiful blogs:

"Mosaic Monday" at Little Red House
"Tea Time Tuesday" at Rose Chintz Cottage
"Tea Party Tuesday" at Sweetology

Warm Wishes,

Monday, October 3, 2011

Chai Tea and Pumpkin Muffins

A chilly, rainy afternoon calls for tea and muffins.

After gathering a few ingredients, including some pumpkin puree left over from a
"Spicy Pumpkin Hummus" recipe (yum, by the way), things are rolling in the kitchen!

A short while later, it's time to enjoy warm pumpkin muffins...

and a cup of steaming hot chai tea.

I chose the yellow floral cup and saucer for a bit of autumnal colour.

Care to join me?

I'm happy to be linking with the following blogs:
"Tea Party Tuesday" at Sweetology
"Tea Time Tuesday" at Rose Chintz Cottage
"Newbie Party" at Deebiedoo's Blogging and Blabbing

I'm so glad you visited and appreciate your comments.

Warm Wishes,

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Corraling the Yarn Stash & a Question

Given my houseguest had to cancel this weekend's visit, I had a little time on my hands. Time to corral the yarn stash!

Some yarns were squished into a small pine cupboard. Some MacAusland wool was lurking in the cedar-lined blanket box, keeping company with the sheep frolicking about on the flannel pajamas.

"If I store it, sweaters will come," to paraphrase a line from an old baseball movie. Apparently, it isn't quite that simple. I should be wearing this wool already. Sigh.

I digress. Back to finding the yarns a home. "Location, location, location," say the realtors.  I bought some bins (half price) and got busy. The baby yarns are in their new nursery.

Bits and pieces of this-and-that-yarns are also housed, ready for scarves, hats, mittens and maybe a little cotton shell for next summer?

There they are; all of the yarns neatly tucked in the guest room closet, declaring,
"Enough, already. Knit something!"

Rest assured, I do knit (not often enough), it isn't a matter of buy and never use...

I made this for one little person...

and these to go with the sweater.

However, it's confession time.  I have a bad habit of starting something, getting distracted by other things, then avoiding the project because I have to sort out where I left off way back when. Silly, silly, silly.

Bad habits are made to be broken. This winter, I'll wear this sweater! Feel free to nag me about its progress from time to time.

Many of you are wonderfully talented knitters, crafters, painters, "do-it-all"ers. Some of you have lovely studios where you work/play, others find any corner they can. Here's the question: Do you plan a time to do your projects every day or just pick them up now and again? I'm curious, inquistive (or maybe just plain nosy). The whole creative process fascinates me.

I'd love to hear your answers, or any other thoughts you have to share.

I'm happy to be linking with "Little Red House" for "Mosaic Monday".

Warm Wishes,