Soup's On

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


While traveling alone in Belgium, years ago, I remember staying in a small garret in an old house in Bruges. The proprietor took me up the flights of stairs to my room and I remarked that there were so many interesting objects within view. His comment, "For those who have eyes to see."

His words came back to me today. It is close to two weeks since my journey into the Land of Blogs began and my camera has been getting used daily (a new development). I find myself looking at things differently. More keenly. More thoughtfully. I want to notice things that I haven't noticed before. Not just the rose, but the heart of the rose.

Today, I noticed the vibrant hue of this spirea. Only afterwards, while examining the photo, did I observe the ladybug. Do you see it?

I noticed the gradations of green in the hydrangea blossoms, darkest when starting to bloom, then progressively lighter as they open. Soon, they will be white and wonderful.

I noticed how the hydrangea and spirea, together, simply pleased me.

"For those who have eyes to see." Some phrases stay with a person.
I hope you've found a minute in your day to notice something lovely.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

After the Rain

I woke up during the night and heard the gentle rain. I love that soothing sound, and knowing that my garden needed a good drink made me welcome it even more. The Morden Blush roses, bellflowers and astilbes certainly look refreshed.

Mind you, the garden needs more than rain. Yesterday, I weeded, mulched and cut back things that had gotten out of control. More to do, I confess. I need to develop some kind of garden-grooming routine. Feel free to pass on any tips that work for you.  I've been browsing some of your beautiful blogs, so I know you've developed some very good habits!

Today, my little house needs some attention. Things are scattered about, which makes me feel a bit scattered. But first, a quick morning look at the garden gave me pleasure; I hope it gives you some, as well.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Roses and Lavender: Ongoing Favourites

It's early evening, with a soft breeze and dappled light coming into the room.  Outside the window, I look at this Emily Carr rose bush (named after the artist) and can't believe how rapidly it has grown. Although only planted last year, as a gift, it is now about three feet tall, even greater in width, and almost covered in these bright red blossoms. 

quietly offering
a simple sprig of dream-inducing delight 
to slide into my pillow slip

Friday, June 24, 2011

Procrastination & the Painting Project

There it is. The can of paint that has been mocking me for months. It is supposed to be on my bedroom wall, and yet, there it sits. Waiting.

Recently, I had to go to the hardware store to have it re-shaken and rejuvenated so that it would become reacquainted with the idea of having walls to welcome, plaster to placate, and a room to renew.

Today, the can is still closed. However, the car has had an oil change, groceries were purchased, and a future trip was partially planned. Of course, I just had to walk around the garden before the anticipated rainfall later today...

These roses have a wonderful aroma.

The mock orange is still so tiny after several years, but pretty, I think.

This, my third clematis, I put in last year; it seems very happy against the warm, red brick wall. 

Tomorrow, I paint the trim in the bedroom. There, I have said it. Sunday (or Monday) the can of paint, shown above, will be emptied.

Have you ever noticed that sometimes it takes more energy to delay a project than it does to complete it?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Do You Know an Amazing Woman?

I have something a little different for you today, an uplifting and heartwarming video. It is one woman's musical "flashmob" tribute to her dear friend who passed away, at age 31, as a result of colon cancer.

One of my friends shared it with me. You are welcome to share it with others.

What do you think?  Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Clematis: The Sequel

Yesterday, I posted a photo of one of my clematises.  This is another one that I have, planted last year.  I must say, it thrives on neglect! It may sound rather negligently optimistic of me, but I want the beauty of a garden, without spending hours and hours tending it.

This spring, I attacked various small garden plots that were on the verge of being completely reclaimed by the wicked weeds of the wilderness.  Strange little things that spread underground, sprang out of nowhere, and threatened to reach up and swallow the entire neighbourhood.  Well, perhaps that is overstating things, but you get the idea.

I admire the organized gardener, the one who knows exactly what to do and when to do it.  Sigh.  That isn't me.  However, some plants are blooming, others will follow, and that is enough. Thank you for taking the time to visit!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy First Day of Summer

My oldest clematis has started blooming (not yet fully) as the first day of summer has cycled around in my part of the world. Makes me think that I should cycle, literally, this season. At the back of my small shed -behind the lawn mower, garden tools, and assorted paraphernalia of questionable purpose and value- sits a blue bicycle with a brown wicker basket, in which nestles a purple helmet.

As a child, pre-helmet days, it was such a sense of exhilarating freedom to hop on a two-wheeled Super Cycle and zip effortlessly down a hill, or stand up and put all of my skinny-legged strength on the pedals, straining to conquer Mount Everest, or at least the steepest hill I encountered on that particular day.

Prince Edward Island, Canada

Yes! The bike will emerge this summer! Hold me to this. What will you do? Run through the sprinkler in your backyard? Head to the beach?  Fly a kite?

What will make you smile, dear readers?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Do You Snoop?

It's a sun-shiny morning here, enough to induce me to get out the door and off on a little walk around the neighbourhood. I've turned into a bit of a slug in the area of physical fitness and could use a little external push to get moving. Alternatively, can I kick myself on my own backside?

Actually, the walk was enjoyable and I do enjoy a good snoop, as far as getting a look at some front yard gardens. No binoculars, black catsuits, or cameras were involved, mustn't frighten the flora-lovers!

This yellow flower lives in my own back garden. I bought the plant at a horticultural club plant sale in May (maybe I should join) and can't recall its name. Do you know what it is, please?

Enjoy your day.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Dear Visitors, I've just discovered that I had an incorrect setting on my blog, which prevented comments from being left.  Sorry!  I'm learning as I go and can honestly say I know more about blogging today than when I began yesterday; I just don't know enough!  (I think it will work now.)  Here, have some peonies.


It's a gorgeous Sunday morning in my little corner of the world, perfect for a snoop around the back garden. I planted this poppy years ago and it stands a couple of feet high, from soil to flower. Looking into the centre of one blossom shows its remarkable symmetry. Looking inward is something I tend to engage in on a Sunday. Hmmm. A bit of symmetry between the poppy and yours truly, perhaps...

Saturday, June 18, 2011


There is something about peonies that is so appealing to me.  They are lovely to look at, have a scent that wafts about with the gentle breezes, and are resilient enough to last decades in abandoned farmers' homesteads, or in my own little garden.  Is there any flower as wonderful as the one you grow yourself? 

Jumping In!

Have you ever had one of those days where it just seems like a good idea to try something new?  Today is that kind of day.  I've never written a blog before, and here I sit, on a luscious June day, giving it a whirl.  Rather like my gardening; I'm far from an expert, more of a plunk-things-in-the-ground-and-hope-for-the-best kind of girl!  How did you come to be here, I wonder.  Enjoy your day.